The 5th Teacher Professional Innovation National Student Conference
and the 1st International Student Conference
on Education for Social Innovation: Knowledge for Sustainable Development
March 26, 2022, Online and Onsite Conference.


                                                       07.00 – 08.00 am          Online registration  

                                                       08.00 – 09.00 am          Opening Ceremony

                                                                                             * Conference Introduction Video

                                                                                             * Conference welcome speech and report
                                                                                                Assistant Professor Dr. Amonwan Weerathammo
                                                                                               Dean of Faculty of Education, Thaksin University

                                                                                             * Opening remark
                                                                                               Associate Professor Dr. Wichai Chamni
                                                                                               Thaksin University President

                                                       09.00 - 10.00 am          Special lecture on “Exploring Innovation with Career Academies”
                                                                                            Keynote Speaker: Dr. Deb Kneser,
                                                                                            Senior Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, USA

                                                       10.00 am – 12.00 pm    Student presentations: National and International

                                                       1.00 - 1.30 pm              Lunch break

                                                       1.30 – 4.30 pm              Student presentations: National (cont’)   

                                                       4.30 – 5.00 pm             Awards and Closing Ceremony







About Us

Since 2018 The Faculty of Education, Thaksin University has partnered with other nine universities in the lower part of the southern region to host the national conference for fifth year student teachers. The 5th Teacher Professional Innovation National Conference and the 1st International Conference is an innovative platform for students and researchers across the world to share ideas and experiences with their peers expected to join from Asia countries. In addition, this platform will help the delegates to establish research and international linkage for future collaborations at faculty and university levels. We hope that the conference outcome will lead to significant contributions to the fields.

Contact Us

Faculty of Education Thaksin University 140, Moo 4 , Tambon Khoa-Roob-Chang , Muang Songkhla 90000
P: (+66) 74-317-6827890
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